Bilingual lexicon Arabic English - letter T

First read the "How To" of the DILAP dictionary. Instructions and councils.

Translation and transcription from Table to Turn .


English Sound Transcription Arabic
487 Table tâwila طاوِلَة
488 Tailor khayyât خَيّاط
489 take (decision) ittakhadha - yattakhidhu اِتَّخَذَ - يَتَّخِذُ
490 Take (to) akhadha - ya°khudhu أخَذَ - يأخًذُ
491 Tall tamr hindî تَمْر هِنْدي
493 Taste dhauq (or) madhâq ذَوْق - مَذاق
494 Taurus
(zodiac sign)
aththawr الثَوْر
495 Tea shây شاي
496 Teach (to) darrasa - yudarrisu دَرَّسَ - يُدَرِّسُ
497 Teacher mu'allim مُعَلِّم
498 Team farîq فَريق
499 Telephon hâtif هاتِف
500 Television set djihâz talfaza جِهاز تَلْفَزَة
501 Thank you shukran شُكْراً
502 Thanks to 'an tarîq عَن طَريق
503 Theater masrah مَسْرَح
504 Then idhan إِذَن
506 They hum هم
507 Thick samîk سَميك
508 Thin nahîf نَحيف
509 Thing shay° شَيْء
510 Think ( to) dhanna - yadhunnu ظَنَّ - يَظُنُّ
511 Thirsty 'atshân عَطْشان
512 Throw ( to) ramâ - yarmî رمى – يَرْمي
513 Time alyaum اليَوْم
516 Total madjmû' مَجْموع
517 Tourism siyâha سِياحَة
518 Town madîna (pl) mudun مَدينَة ج مُدُن
519 Traditional taqlîdî تَقْليدي
520 Travel (to) sâfara - yusâfiru سافَرَ - يُسافِرُ
521 Travel safar سَفَر
522 Trousers sirwâl سِرْوال
523 True sahîh صَحيح
524 Tuesday athulâthâ° الثُلاثاء
525 Turn (to) dâra - yadûru دار – يَدورُ