Bilingual lexicon Arabic English - letter B

First read the "How To" of the DILAP dictionary. Instructions and councils.

Translation and transcription from Baker to But.


English Sound Transcription Arabic
55 Baker khabbâz خَبّاز
56 Balcony shurfa (pl) shuraf شُرفَة ج شُرَفْ
57 Bank masrif (or) bank مَصْرِفْ - بَنْك
58 Bath, bathroom hammâm حَمّام
59 Be (to) kâna - yakûn كان - يَكون
60 Beach shâti° شاطئ
61 Beautiful djamîl جَميل
62 Become ( to) asbaha - yusbihu أَصْبَحَ – يُصْبِحُُ
63 Bed sarîr سَرير
64 Beginning bidâya بِدايَة
65 Behind warâ° وَراء
66 Belt hizâm حِزام
67 Better afdhal أَفْضَل
68 Birth wilâda وِلادَة
69 Black (masculine) aswad أسْوَد
70 Blackberries tût توت
71 Blue (masculine) azraq أَزْرَق
72 Book kitâb (pl) kutub كِتاب ج كُتُب
73 Born wulida (or) mawlûd وُلِدَ - مَؤْلود
74 Boy walad وَلَد
75 Brother akh أخ
76 Brown asmar أسْمَر
77 Building binâ° بِناء
78 But lâkin لَكِن