Bilingual lexicon Arabic English - letter I

First read the "How To" of the DILAP dictionary. Instructions and councils.

Translation and transcription from I to Introduce.


English Sound Transcription Arabic
256 I anâ أَنا
257 If (allah wants) in shâ°a allah إن شاء الله
258 Important hâmm هامّ
259 Impossible mustahîl مُسْتَحيل
260 Impulsiveness indifâ' اِنْدِفاع
261 Indelicacy khushûna خُشونَة
262 Indian hindî هِنْدي
263 Inform (to) akhbara - yukhbiru أَخْبَرَ – يُخْبِرُ
264 Informations,
khabar (pl) akhbâr خَبَر ج أَخْبار
265 Insane madjnûn مَجْنون
266 Intelligent dhakiy ذَكيّ
267 Introduce (to) qaddama - yuqaddimu قَدَّمَ - يُقَدِّمُ