Any representation, translation, adaptation, or reproduction, even in part, by any means whatsoever, in any country, without a prior authorisation, is illegal and the offender will be prosecuted, according to the French bill dating from march 14th 1957, paragraphs 2 & 3 of article 41.
© Didactiques Langues Publications - DILAP - 2005-2008
"Orphan letters":The following letters are known as "orphan" because they do not link to those which follow (in the direction of the writing). If they are in initial or median position, they cause a "graphic rupture" in the word. So they have only two positions: single and final. The letter which follows is automatically in initial position.

"Emphatic" consonants and no emphatic equivalent letters: One pronounces them by forming a case of resonance between the tong and the palate.

The consonants which do not exist in French and for someones in English : click, look at and listen

The other letters