Our conception of the Arabic language and culture is strictly secular and merely didactic. Yet, on this site, our relevant links may send you back to contents which might not follow this line of thought. If so, those contents will only involve their authors.
Learning Arabic through the culture
"Sufis, Lovers, and the Eyes"- Z.Gain "Sufis, Lovers, and the Eyes". Zeinab GainThis book brings together the words and illustrations published several years ago in the educationaljournal "Textarab" (1) in serial form. Today, we have the pleasure of presenting them complete and accompanied by brief instructions useful for the reader looking to go further.
This workbook contains: Sufism : The origin of the word is unknown. There are several hypotheses on the subject but none are universally accepted. Use of the word began in the second century of hegira (ninth century AD).Its meaning has evolved over time...
(1) 27 rue de Chartres 75018 PARIS Publications: Textarab, Annales Baccalauréat Arabe